Deep Nuggets Radio
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Deep Nuggets - the internet radio station with a difference!
If a song is good, the genre doesn't matter, from rock, jazz, blues, prog, punk, you'll hear your favorites as well as fantastic new artists.
Join us at the Greatest Radio Station at the End of the Universe - Deep Nuggets.
Latest News
​​​Lorne Murphy's Garden of Delights now has a sister show called Jazz Pizzazz! on Wednesdays from 1:00 - 3:00 PM EST, in between Emma's Sonik Myst and Bob's Electrodynamic Time Tunnel! This is a two hour show focusing purely on jazz and fusion artists both classic and modern, and helps to give you even more choices, as well as making Wednesday the busiest day of the DN week!
So jazz nuts (and jazz-curious) get ready for some midweek blue notes! A link to the Facebook group is now listed in the Show Schedule section.
From brand new tracks that have just been released, to live jams from venues across the world, to classic favorites that you love to hear, Deep Nuggets is the place to be!
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Deep Nuggets Show Schedule
Show Time | Show (link to Facebook Show Group) |
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SUN - 11 AM | The Sunday Drive with DJ Joe |
SUN - 5 PM | Mono/Stereo A-Go-Go with Keith |
SUN - 8 PM | Taphead with Thomas |
MON - 5 PM | The Undertow with Krissy |
MON - 8 PM | The Monday Chemistry Sets with Alex |
TUE - 6 PM | The Music Box with Uncle Steve |
TUE - 9 PM | The Playground of Sound with Matt |
WED - 9 AM | Sonik Myst with Emma |
WED - 1 PM | Jazz Pizzazz! with Lorne |
WED - 5 PM | The Electrodynamic Time Tunnel with Bob |
WED - 8 PM | Through the Looking Glass with Steven |
THU - 4 PM | Am I Going Insane with Buzz |
THU - 8 PM | Brockway's Vinyl Bytes with Cody |
FRI - 6 PM | The Hodge-Podge Garage With Tom |
FRI - 9 PM | Soundstage with Lynn |
SAT - 5 PM | Garden of Delights with Lorne |
SAT - 9 PM | Open Rogue |
Contact Us
To request songs, please go to the show page for your favorite DJ, listed in the Schedule above
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